VIDEO: IT Security Trends in Australia

This video outlines security trends in Australia, which include:
The popularity of security issue keeps growing, drawing out the recognition of cyber security as a business risk and how it can damage company brand and stakeholder confidence. It is also driving up the level of government concern causing strengthening of regulation like Breach disclosure forcing managers to declare publicly in the event of a security breach.

The use of mobile devices keeps rising this has caused company and customer data to be moved off corporate network to mobile devices making it harder to secure the information.

The use of self service and self-provision services is increasing the use of third party synchronization and cloud services causing corporate and customer information ending up on third party services outside the radar of the companies IT department

Attackers are now focusing their effort on outsourcers, supplies and third party services making larger organisation scrutinize the medium companies that supply them more to ensure they can provide adequate security.

Another trend is the rise of covert attacks on organisation, where they are compromised for a long period before they are aware of the compromise.

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