VIDEO: How Effective is your Firewall?

A firewall filters the information coming through the internet connection into company’s private network implementing security rules and policies set by the company e.g the computers that can access the internet. Gives control of how people use the network.

This video gives an outlook on traditional firewall and how they provide rudimentary network security, modern hacking techniques easily bypass the security they provide also they don’t impose the access restrictions adequate today e.g limiting access to social networks.
In the video NexGen Firewalls(term coined by Gartner) are recommended by explaining how they analyse two additional variables that traditional firewalls don’t e.g the role of the person trying to access an application and the application the person is trying to access. This means they provide better access control.
They help protect organisations and customer information by securing it when it is been entered into an online format. They enable businesses to harness new technology such as mobility cloud while mitigating new security threats these technologies pose.
This video smashes the myth that to achieve security a huge amount of investment is required and states that all that is required is smart investments into IT technologies like NexGen firewalls

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